If your Credit Union content was a mixtape, how would it sound?

(Side question: Remember the work that went into making those? I'm dating myself, I know. )

So back to your Credit Union content mix. What do I mean when I say content?

I am talking about everything your credit union produces that is member-facing. Website copy, blog posts, social posts, email messages, even direct mail - it's all communication to your members. 

It all deserves a good review.

Ideally, your content will mix education, inspiration, and promotion.

Why do I say this? The mix method works for any business type, but especially credit unions! Hear me out. 

Education drives your authority. 

Inspiration brings your members closer to you. 

Promotion - well, it sells!

What specific mix works best for you when you plan your content strategy?

I'd love to hear what's playing at your Credit Union. 

Do you need help with your mixtape? You are a content curator for your Credit Union! I am your experienced assistant! Please reach out to me to schedule a time to chat!


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