2022 credit union marketing calendar
My free CU marketing calendar is my most downloaded item! Year after year credit unions search for simple ways to stay on track and I am happy to provide this updated version.
So how do you get it? It’s Free! Just hop on over to my “Free Resource Page” and you can have instant access to the Marketing Calendar, Content Ideas, Templates and more! The free resource area was created just for credit union staff to help you grab quick information and tips to help you with your marketing projects.
What is in the marketing calendar? The calendar is designed in a simple quarterly layout. It Includes: federal holidays, branch closing dates, campaign ideas based on what is going on in your members lives, as well as fun dates you could include in your marketing content.
I provide it in both Microsoft Word and PDF format so you can edit as you please. In addition, be sure to download the companion items:
Content Worksheet: Solving Problems: Create Content that Solves Member Problems
Content Worksheet: Interviews. Who to talk to and what questions to ask.